corrupted_steel wrote in
Jun 14, 2008 13:03
[he's sitting on a fountain rim, chin cradled and still wearing his Lt. Colonel military uniform, but there's something - something quite off.]
Roll call, perhaps? An inventory of ingredients. Shall we throw out the duplicates?
alphonse elric: otouto_al,
alphonse elric: wellmannersoul,
russel tringham: sexieredward,
edward elric: corrupted_steel,
alfons heiderich: nemoubliepas,
edward elric: chibiningen,
alfons heiderich: gotothestars,
edward elric: nearerthesun,
riza hawkeye: notasniper
notasniper wrote in
Jun 12, 2008 15:11
Well, this is interesting.
I don't know if the other sins are around.
I'm sorry, but if anyone can help me out, my name is 1st Lt. Riza Hawkeye.
[Obviously she's different, but still wearing her usual uniform and her hair is down instead of clipped up.]
alphonse elric: wellmannersoul,
roy mustang: warm_blue_flame,
riza hawkeye: ihazguns,
edward elric: corrupted_steel,
scieszka: hasitmemorized,
alfons heiderich: gotothestars,
riza hawkeye: notasniper